Saturday, May 16, 2009

Andy's Glorious Adventure Part I

I'm starting with the last day first, but this will give you an idea of Andy's great adventure in Washington, D.C.

Andy specially requested that we lunch at Bread and Chocolate our last day in D.C. The dazzling array of desserts there was, of course, the draw. He had a cupcake for lunch. Oh well, who will know? Then we headed to a nearby playground to get that last burst of energy out before our long flight home.

Did they say "Don't touch the sculptures" and "Don't climb on the rocks"? (At the Hirschorm sculpture museum and the Native Indian museum).

Pretzels and ice cream and spiders and dragons -- oh my! Lot's to do in D.C. for a kid.

We had a fun day at the D.C. Zoo. Sleepy boy Andy dozed all the way back to the hotel from the zoo unaware of the comments and stares his gorilla mask caused.

Andy's mom (Cherise) was in Washington D.C. for a conference with lots of important meetings and chairing a panel but she took some time to sightsee with Andy the day before the conference began. Highlight of this day with the Lincoln Memorial and the World War II Memorial, a walk to the back yard of the White House where we saw Michelle Obama's vegetable garden and we saw President Obama in a motorcade pass right next to us (the secret service man denied it but he did so with a bit of a smirk). Andy was sure he'd see President Obama (and he did) but he also thought the bronze statue of an "economic genius" that graces the front of the Treasury was John McCain ("Look, John McCain"). He got a few laughs from the crowd walking around us for that one.

Andy's Glorious Adventure Part II

Andy's Tito (Uncle Peter) came down from Philadelphia to meet us for the weekend and it was the highlight of his trip. He was so excited to see his uncle, talking about him non-stop before the trip, saying "He's so cool" and that he wants to be a artist and musician like Tito, plus be a palentologist. Mom joined us for a day of sightseeing with the White House first on the agenda then left us to our own devices to wander the Museum of Natural History where all of the dinosaurs roam. We saw a 3-D IMAX show on dinosaurs which had us reaching into space trying to fend off their advances (talk about cool, 3-D movies and those glasses, wayyyyyy cool and needs no improvement). Tito brought Andy a wonderful drawing kit complete with moveable six-inch human model and both began to draw side-by-side. It was great for Andy to have Tito all to himself. Thanks Tito for taking time from your very busy schedule.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bubbles to Noodles

After Andy's overnight at Nonna and Grandpa's, Sylvia's first haircut, and time on the playground at University Village, we met big Sylvia and had a lunch of noodles in what might be the only ray of sunlight for the week.

Sylvia's mass of curls are tamed. She had her very first hair cut this weekend. Of course, not a whimper.

Andy stayed the night and the highlight of his sleep-over was the Japanese soaking tub with its jets that help to make a dash of soap into a plethora of bubbles.