Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tom's Canoe

As a prelude to the post below, here's Tom in his shop in 2005 building his canoe. Below is the completed boat ready to be launched for the first time and the finely crafted oars he made by hand.

Cama Beach and the Center for Wooden Boats

Beautiful fall weekend at Cama Beach Resort on Camano Island for the end of season Center for Wooden Boats event. Tom showed his lapstrake canoe. We rowed, sailed, fished, met with friends and attended wooden boat making/finishing workshops. Friends joined us which really completed the weekend.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sylvia and Andy - Natch

Andy learns to swim.

Sylvia begins swimming lessons too.

Now who does that remind you of? A girl after my own heart.

The many faces of Sylvia.

Domo arigato Mr. Roboto -- Andy turns a carboard box into a robot costume while neighbor Danny delights.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Andy learns to read

Andy has been in kindergarten for a week and he already counts to a thousand, by 2s, by 3s, and now he's beginning to read. To be fair, he could count to 1000 before school started, but the rest is new progress. We're just proud grandparents.