Sunday, March 7, 2010

Papa builds a playhouse

Tom (aka Papa) had plenty of help building this 4 x 4-foot dream house. A genuine wooden structure put together with lots of screws, bolts and washers, the kids didn't wait until it was fully erected to begin playing in it. Andy donned ski mask and gloves to more safely help in the construction. Last night Tom finished the structure complete with roof and topped with a wind vane. Sylvia had already managed to bar-b-que some hamburgers and corn on its tiny grill and transfer loads of sand to the house's tiny sink (what was the logic there? we didn't ask). A picture of the finished structure will follow in a later blog as it was dark by the time the house was completed.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Emerging from a bout with the flu, persistent haking cough aside, Tom (aka Papa) and I (aka Nonna) took the kids to the Woodland Park Zoo on a Spring-ish day. We saw the new digs for the penguins (huge but where were the penguins basking in the pleasure of their new and improved home?), visited the gorillas (who were, of course, just sitting there watching us), observed the Flamingos, and then had lunch. After lunch we headed straight to the Zoomazium with all sorts of activities for the kids. It's popular. Lots of little kids bouncing around. Andy touched a real cockroach (Ewhhhh), Sylvia spotted then carried around her "mingo" (Flamingo). Both rode the bronze baby elephant though Sylvia actually filled her cupped hands with water from the fountain and "fed" it to the elephant (little puddle at her feet). It was a fun, albeit, short trip to the Zoo but with the Spring weather it just felt time to go.