Monday, October 27, 2008

McCain to continue Bush's "kleptocracy"?

Syndicated columnist David Sirota's column today (Here's hoping "White House Cribs" never makes onto the air", Seattle Times, October 27, 2008), talks about the redistribution of wealth during Bush's tenure saying that

"President Bush gave to those making more than $342,000 a year began dramatically shifting the overall tax burden from the rich onto the rest of us. Meanwhile, because of lobbyist-crafted loopholes, most corporations pay zero federal income taxes.." The result -- "When counting all taxes (income, payroll, property, etc.), billionaires and Big Businesses often pay lower effective tax rates than their employees." He goes on to say, "In the age of Halliburton fraud and ExxonMobile subsidies, our government spends $93 billion a year on corporate welfare. (For comparison, that's roughly three times what it spends on a traditional welfare program like food stamps.)"

For the entire article go to

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