Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Surprise! The grandkids are growing up.

We've been on vacation and in that small amount of time Sylvia and Andy have grown. Sylvia is talking up a storm, in clear sentences and with something to say! Andy is maturing into a bright and thoughtful boy. Both seem to be thriving in their new home and environment. Missing them very much and remembering our promise to take them to Remlinger Farms we picked them up bright and early on a sunny Saturday morning so that we could get to Remlinger and rides before the crowds. The big surprise is that Sylvia, who for one and one-half years would not ride on the merry-go-round horses suddenly got on a real horse and rode it without so much as a flinch. And Andy didn't need us by his side at all, skillfully riding the biggest horse in the stable by himself. Andy and grandpa went on the roller coaster ride (in front) twice. While Sylvia and I rode the spinning pumpkins twice. Instead of being afraid (as I feared) she insisted on riding it again. Oh, and Andy climbed the big rock wall and Sylvia tried to do the same on the small climbing wall in the hay barn. Both fell asleep instantly when the car started for the journey home. Oh joy!
At the very bottom of the pictures here is Sylvia doing her best interpretation of the long gone hippie era.

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