Monday, December 21, 2009

The Nut in the Nutcracker

While dad and mom took a much needed, albeit brief, respite in Hawaii, Tom and I tried our best to entertain the little ones. We thought they might be old enough for the Pacific Northwest Ballet's annual uber event, The Nutcracker Suite. While the oversized replicas of the various main characters entertained, both of the children fell asleep almost the moment the lights went out missing all the really small-child fun stuff in the first act. At intermission both woke and then it was a grueling second act I assure you with Andy saying "I want to go home" every 10 minutes as he quickly tired of the more serious dancing that comes in the second part. One bright moment, when the rats came on stage and I delicately said, "see the mice", she processed it and said - REALLY LOUDLY -- "those are rats, those are rats" pointing to the stage. Even though I think it could have been funny -- no one was laughing or even smiling at this. Suffice it to say it will be a couple more years before we try this again. I really enjoyed the stellar performances and the wonderful tradition. I'm sure Sylvia and Andy will some day too.

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