Monday, February 8, 2010

Andy Turns 5

On Saturday Andy turned 5 years old. We forget what a big step is 5 years. In the fall he begins Kindergarten and it hardly seems possible to this grandmother. In any case, his Mom made sure that this was a birthday party Andy would not soon forget. She invited 17 of his friends, surprised him with a Scooby Doo bouncey house, painted dog faces on everyone, staged a wonderful series of mystery clues to find the missing cake (stolen by the masked bandit -- his dad) which led them through a lot of fun stomping balloons, wrapping themselves as mummies, knocking candies from a pinata, tossing balls into the bat hole and finally to the cake. Great birthday party Mom!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

¿Cinco años tiene Andy solamente? Pues, ahora que hago memoria, es verdad que de edad es aún pequeño.En las fotos parece un chico más mayor.Y con la pequeña Sylvia me ocurre igual.Las fotos engañan un poco y parecen mayores de lo que en realidad son. Pues que te hayas divertido en tu cumpleanños,jovencito, que es lo que parece en las fotos que ha sucedido. ¡Felicidades, Andy!
(Y felicidades también a tus papás por tener unos niños tan bonitos).