Sunday, March 7, 2010

Papa builds a playhouse

Tom (aka Papa) had plenty of help building this 4 x 4-foot dream house. A genuine wooden structure put together with lots of screws, bolts and washers, the kids didn't wait until it was fully erected to begin playing in it. Andy donned ski mask and gloves to more safely help in the construction. Last night Tom finished the structure complete with roof and topped with a wind vane. Sylvia had already managed to bar-b-que some hamburgers and corn on its tiny grill and transfer loads of sand to the house's tiny sink (what was the logic there? we didn't ask). A picture of the finished structure will follow in a later blog as it was dark by the time the house was completed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

¡Qué suerte tienen los niños que crecen cerca de sus abuelos! Todo lo aprenden con ternura porque para la disciplina ya están sus papás. Y qué suerte la de los abuelos estar junto a sus nietos transmitiéndoles sus experiencias sin la rigidez de la obligada educación. ¡Felicidades a ambas generaciones!
Ma. Luisa (Spain)