Sunday, February 27, 2011

Winter Break

The kids had their winter break this week and a winter week it was, with snow, sleet, cold blasts of air -- it didn't disappoint except that the snow didn't stick long enough to make a snowman. We ended our week at the flower and garden show with its promise of spring and a wonderful play area for children. The kids made spider webs out of string and coat hangers, seed planters, muscled real vegetables into wheel barrels, road a John Deere, pet rabbits and fed chickens, and various other activities. We concluded our almost 5 hours with a Disney radio performance that involved teen dancers, ala Hannah Montana, and lots of activities involving volunteers from the audience. Sylvia volunteered to learn a complicated dance routine that involved "dj moves" and cross-leg turnabouts. But she held her own and danced her heart out. LOL

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