Monday, November 7, 2011

David Horsey Nails It

So much for the idea of trickle down economics and tax cuts lead to job creation.

Exactly. I was looking at a TED conference about inequality and the U.S. is the most unequal economically of all of the democratic market nations. As the speaker said, "If you are looking for the American Dream, go to Denmark."

So much for the civil contract and the idea of contributing for the benefit of the whole.

I know this guy and the horse he rode in on.

I'm working on it. A little late, but I'm working on it.
David Horsey has been gracing us with his political commentary in the form of cartoons for a very long time and ( and I always feel like he's expressing what I've been thinking. If I were talented in this way, I can't imagine a better occupation. In any case, I just finished looking over months of cartoons and though I loved them all I chose a few to reproduce here along with my comments.

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