Saturday, December 31, 2011

Compleano and Natale

The Holiday Season was pleasant this year, probably because we started it early with a trip to Philadelphia and NYC. The east coast is festive with it's great areas for walking in the historical center and the seasonal torrone and treats at Isgros and in Little Italy (Philly) or the skating rink and horse carriages in Central Park and the fantastical window decorations on 5th Avenue -- yes, that got us off in the right spirit. And just before Christmas we had a 65th birthday celebration for Tom, then Christmas Eve dinner at Cherise's with wonderful food and the house wonderfully decorated inside and out, capped off with Christmas Day lunch and opening of presents at our home and dinner with Tom's family. Mellow and nice.


Santa love's Sylvia and

Sylvia loves Santa back.

 Tom's 65th birthday celebration

 Cherise puts on a festive Christmas Eve dinner.

Sylvia's gingerbread house featuring the "bribery" candy we promised and purchased from the Monorail candy store at Westlake Center thus preventing a meltdown as well as providing ample treats to decorate her house (note gummy penguins and butterflies on roof).

Andy's gingerbread house creation below.

Cherise's creative centerpiece -- just a piece of ribbon and a few ornaments does the trick.

 Table filled with wine and tasting desserts.

Andy ties Sylvia to the door instead of dressing for guests. Why you ask?

Sisters looking a little wild-eyed.

The men relax.

Sylvia and Andy open presents from the relatives Christmas Eve. The remaining presents must wait 'til morning.


Roger taking better photographs than I. Pretty sure.

Paul and Jessica.

Opening presents.

Andy acting silly after many handfuls of those tasting sweets, I think.
 Ready for bed and ready for Santa.


Peter didn't make it to Seattle this year but spent his Christmas with Julie, Cedric, family and friends in a cabin in the woods in Ottawa. He sent us these pictures.

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