Monday, August 16, 2010

Danskin Triathlon 2010 -- Finisher

I finished my first triathlon yesterday in 2 hrs and 14 minutes. I'm pretty pleased as I didn't train and only got in the water a week and one-half before yesterday to see if/how long I could swim a 1/2 mile. We were blessed with a very hot 95-degree day that warmed the lake water to a balmy 71-degrees. We arrived at 5:45 a.m. to a brightening sky. As we entered the lake (my start time was 6:46 a.m. 1 minute behind the elite racers). My companions, Dorothy and Bonnie, gave me the best advice of the race -- focus on one stroke at a time and keep to my right when I enter the water. The advice served me well as I finished 12 out of 22 in my age bracket and at 29 minutes for the 1/2 mile, one minute better than my pool time.
Out of the water, we ran to the transition area to get bike gear on and run to mount our bikes for the 12.4 miles which I did in 50 minutes and a speed of 14 mph. Once over I ran to rack my bike and get on my running gear and out the gate to run the 3.2 miles in 42 minutes at a pace of 13.5 mph. My transitions took 5 minutes each (the time it takes to cross the gate in from one event, change, and cross out to the next). The Danskin isn't that physically demanding (it's not the Ironman) but for this aging nonathlete it was my Olympics.

I'll do it next year and try to best my time. This time I'll try to train.

Race done, metal on, going home.

Running to the finish.

Tom caught this photo of me completing the bike course. I was so focused I didn't even see him.

Moving as fast as I could in this first transition. (Me with my bike)

Still wet from the swim, trying to put on the last of my gear.

We entered the swim course as the sun was coming up over the Lake.

That's me somewhere (on the right) at the start of the swim.

Waiting for the start signal to enter the water.

Crowds lining up. Three thousand and thirteen women completed the race.

Checking out where we start the swim leg of the race.

Dorothy (Bonnie's sister), Bonnie (my neighbor and friend) and me preparing for the swim.

My number. They write in on your arm the day before. Nothing says committed like indelible ink.

Below -- arriving at twilight getting my transition gear in order.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

¡Con razón está tan guapa! Me alegra verla tan bien y feliz. Un abrazo enorme para usted, Tom, Cherise y Shawn,los niños que también están preciosos y muy grandes, y para toda su familia. Ma. Luisa Arana.