Saturday, June 7, 2008

Tall Tails

Andy has for some time been fixated on tails. At any given time, he is either a lion or a bear and in order to "realistically" be one of these ferocious animals he needs to have a tail. For some odd reason, Andy insists on using socks as tails. Moreover, he's only happy when he enlists me in his play as a lion or a bear. Ergo, I must also stick a sock in my pants. More than once, their mother (my daughter) has stopped me from walking out of the house with my "tail" -- "you may want to leave your, ahem, tail here," she'll say gently. Just as often, I will find one of Andy's socks still stuffed into my pants at the end of the day. As you can imagine, Andy's drawer must contain many lonely socks in need of a match.

The other day Andy talked me into, once again, going to the Zoo. When we entered the Zoomazium (a great indoor playground for kids) he voiced his mounting concern that he didn't have a tail. So we asked the kind attendants and they provided a piece of beige paper, scissors, and tape and he proceeded to draw his tail and happily (even relieved) wore it for the rest of the day.

Attached are some photos from Cherise's website. In an effort to keep all socks in their proper place in drawers or on little feet, she made a slew of various animal tails (and purchased a few ears). Apparently, even little Sylvia must now be outfitted with the mandatory tail and even donned a pair of non-mandatory ears while at play in Andy's room.

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