Monday, July 14, 2008

Forgot the Camera But Had A Great Weekend with the Grandkids

On Friday, Tom and I took Sylvia and Andy to Magnolia for fun on the playground, dinner outside at Rudy's, then two hours of swimming at the Magnolia pool. The weather was beautiful and the kids stayed in the pool the whole time. We all had so much fun. Magnolia is great because the kiddie pool is large, warm and they have loads of pool toys for everyone. Sylvia grasped a little octopus and fish and was perfectly happy. Andy spent almost his entire time sliding down the big water slide, first with grandpa then all by himself.

That night both kids went to sleep quickly and soundly. The next morning (we babysat overnight while their parents were camping) both kids greeted us with cheery faces.

On Saturday we headed out early to Remlinger Farm. My mission was to get raspberries for making jam with Andy. But more than that we wanted to get to the play area before lots of people arrived. We did every ride in twos -- pony rides, cars -- Andy drove grandpa, me and his sister around the track a couple of times, the canoes, the roller coaster (with grandpa, not me), the pumpkins (with me, not grandpa), then we ate lunch and headed home where we listened to Silly Songs and they promptly went to sleep. We got home just as their parents arrived.

We really enjoyed having the kids to ourselves for two days and hope their parents do this again soon.

Unfortunately, we kept leaving the camera in the car so we have NO DOCUMENTATION of kids happy faces.

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