Saturday, July 5, 2008

Road Trip East

We decided to hop in the car and drive to the northeastern part of the state on a car camping road trip. Both of us have been curious about the Okanogan and Colville areas and in seeing Nelson,B.C. and nearby hot ski area, Red Mountain. So off we went, heading over the North Cascade Highway and staying our first night in positive solitude just above Mazama. We took little roads to obscure fishing lakes. Did a lot of swimming in the over 100-degree weather. In Omak, our car thermostat read 108-degrees, but a town temperature reading was 111-degrees. It was so hot that my flip-flops stuck to the pavement having instantly softened the sole's surface. We experienced some beautiful country. We stopped a lot on the way to take in views, drive through little towns, have a picnic, swim or fish.

We traveled all the way to Nelson, B.C. for their Canada Day celebration and fireworks before heading east again to Osoyoos and then through the border to home.

Osoyoos was the one place we didn't camp, choosing to stay in a great little hotel right on the beach. That night, while we prepared dinner, a huge storm suddenly hit the lake, drenching the beach, causing instant flooding, hail that pelted the nearby orchards, and thunder and lightening that torched trees. We were sooooo happy to be in a room rather than camped as the winds would have easily blown the rain into our tent or completely over.

Favorite places: Curlew Lake above Republic, WA where Tom caught a beautiful Kamploops trout and Lake Christine, northeast of Grand Forks, B.C., "the warmest tree-lined lake in B.C.

I've included random photos from our journey.

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