Saturday, August 9, 2008

8-8-08 Lucky Birthday for Cherise

8-8-08 the Olympic Games began in China and Cherise celebrated her 37th year. To celebrate, we treated Cherise, Andy and Sylvia (Shawn was working)to a leisure lunch at Saltys (West Seattle). Andy drove our boat to the restaurant. The boy loves speed and not only steers the boat but puts on the gas. We sat outside in the perfect spot overlooking Elliot Bay and Seattle, and had a great lunch of seafood all around. It was pretty festive, what with Cherise's princess crown and all. Cherise then went home to prepare for a night out with the girls and Tom and I headed to Magnolia to swim with the kids. When we finally got a very tired Sylvia and Andy home to bed, Andy said, "this was a fun day." And it was.

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