Sunday, August 17, 2008

How Hot It Is! Staycation In Super-Heated Seattle

Shawn and Tom cool down with Andy and Sylvia in Colman Pool.

It's hot in Seattle so Tom and I have been making the most of it. On Friday, we headed to Colman Pool for the family swim. It's the closest to a resort you'll find in public pools in Seattle. It's a large salt water pool on the beach facing Puget Sound and Vashon Island and they have lots of pool toys for kids, including 100s of little rubber duckies. Sylvia immediately grabbed a little duck in each hand and didn't let go until we left the pool. We finished with dinner on the beach there complete with roasted marshmellows and an incredible flaming red sunset. On Saturday, we took our boat from Ballard, stopping several times to jump in the water and swim for a few minutes, before picking up Cherise, Shawn, Andy and Sylvia from Magnuson Park and heading across to Yarrow Bay for dinner. It was a beautiful dinner above the water and best of all, next to us in the square, a group of families had gathered to watch an outdoor movie. Despite my best pleading that Sylvia really wanted to see The Goonies, Cherise insisted it was super late and little kids had to go to bed. In fact, Sylvia was asleep before we got across the lake. Andy, on the other hand was standing up saying -- "faster, grandpa, faster." Cherise has all of the great pictures of the evening on her camera so stay tuned.

Tom and I then headed down Lake Washington on a still very warm evening to anchor off Seward Park where we slept on the deck. It never cooled down but at some time in the night I awoke to distant thunder and lightening followed by a very tropical-like burst of a brief, light rain. We didn't even get wet, it must have evaporated quickly. Can anyone say -- Global Warming? The next morning, still very warm, we both jumped in the water before having tea and breakfast on the boat. We spent the entire day swimming our way back, stopping for lunch at Ivar's before reluctantly taking the boat out in Ballard.

We've made the most of the heat wave this weekend. Tomorrow, it's supposed to rain.

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