Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Favorite Annual Event -- Bike Oregon 2011 (Out of order)

Every year we head down to cycle with 2,000 other cycling enthusiasts and its the best three days of fun. We usually arrive early so we can get some cycling in before the main event. We always get there in plenty of time on Friday to secure a parking spot, check in and head to the beer garden/nightly music fest. The food is fantastic. This year we were at the university in the heart of Salem and then we typically ride about 50 miles a day. This year, our fourth ride, for the first time we had to worry about moisture not heat. In fact. we got so soaked on Sunday's ride we turned around and head back. But on Saturday and the Thursday and Friday before that we had perfect weather -- cool but not raining -- and fields of gold poppies and purple lavender. Such a beautiful part of the country.

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