Monday, March 26, 2012

Garden Show Brightens Winter

We don't have a garden or even planters that have exposure to the sun so our "gardening" in our urban condo is limited. Still we usually spend an entire day at the Flower & Garden Show. It's a very cheery thing to do in the middle of winter in Seattle. Here are a few photos of artists or gardens or art that caught my attention.
If only I had more space on my walls. Lungala Rubadiri of Nzalamba Art Works ( The colors really speak to me and the images are all wonderful, I would have trouble choosing anyway.

I purchased one of her hen and rooster tiles. Loved all her work too.

Well-done reproduction of a Paris street scene.

A still photo doesn't do justice do this mobile garden art.

One way to use up your blue Platinum beer bottles. Drink up!

Thought these lights would add a lot to a garden patio. Wish I had one.

One of my favorite artists, she does these colorful ceramic totems.

The children's garden is always a delight. Even though we didn't have the grandkids with us we spent an inordinate amount of time here, a lot of it spent making string and feather bird's nests, the object of which is to provide building materials for bird's spring nests.

Who is that little owl?

Cool idea -- a bird seed "sand" box.

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