Wednesday, September 21, 2011

South Lake Union Park -- a late blog from April

Before leaving for Hawaii, we took the kids and Tom's model boat that he made for Andy and Sylvia to South Lake Union park. It was a beautiful warm day and Tom's friend from high school, Hal, was there with his restored tug Norene. The kids had fun sailing the boat on the pond, rolling down the grassy hills, running through the sprinkler fountain, exploring Norene and finishing the day at Procopio's on the Hillclimb.

Before sailing his model boat with the grand kids, Tom tried it out on Lake Washington. An incoming plane saw  the boat as it approached and circled around to avoid it. As it came in for the second time, the pilot helped the boat to shore by creating a wake on the way to dock. Our hero.

Row boats lined up on the doc at the Center for Wooden Boats.

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