Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Annual Week with the Grandkids on the Methow River

Every year we take our grand kids for a week's adventure allowing them our undivided attention and their parents so grown-up time. We love it. This year we rented a beautiful home on ten glorious acres on the Methow River in Winthrop. The place had everything we could possibly want and a couple of things we wish it didn't including a bat (after much strategizing and some practice they scooped it up in a garbage can), mosquitoes (apparently we were there during the two weeks of the year when mosquitoes are rampant) and a raging river right in front (that water was high, cold and moving fast). It also had a garden replete with raspberries for the kids, a potting shed perfect for finding twine and other things to make things with so that kids can have lots of things to bring home, another shed with every kids of recreational equipment you could possibly want, a fishing shed to clean your fresh caught fish and a spot to contemplate the fish you are going to catch, two large hammocks, a fire pit, big lawns, a sandy beach (perfect for making sand cakes which Sylvia did one afternoon for endless amounts of time), a large porch, benches, bocce ball, croquet, racket ball, jump ropes, soccer balls, and that's just the outside.

During our week we swam (Twisp, Patterson Lake, the brrrr river), biked, fished, paddle boated, played miniature golf (Winthrop), roasted marshmallows, read, played cards, baked bread and a pie (Tom) and had a wonderful time. Oh, and the weather cooperated as well.

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