Monday, May 26, 2008

Seattle International Film Festival 2008

Peter and I managed to get to a great documentary by Alex Gibney, who Peter had met in Philadelphia because Pete's been involved in the University of Philadelphia's film festival, has taught film, and is good friends with Niccola who is head of UPENN's film studies department. In any case, this particular film -- Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson -- is well worth seeing. I'm glad to have been part of a time when people questioned their leaders and demanded answers. But then I believe in political and social activism.

Yesterday, Tom, Peter, and I attended the tribute to Sir Ben Kingsley, and viewed his newest work, Elegy, which stars both he and Penelope Cruz. The movie is based on a Philip Roth book about a professor having a fling with a woman 30 years his junior and was so so. But afterward, Kingsley was interviewed on stage for over an hour and he was wonderful -- gentle, kind, intelligent. They showed a chronological montage of clips from his movies and then discussed each period of his career.

At the end of the talk a tall, thin, exotic woman swept passed me and was later identified as his wife -- 30 years his junior, a very tall Brazilian beauty, and ex-waitress he met and married last year, his fourth marriage and one of a string of beautiful wives. My image of Kingsley just didn't match this reality. But it certainly did seem a lot like his character in the movie. In any case, he is a great actor and I have just ordered several of his movies from Netflix, including War, Inc., Sexy Beasts, and The Wackness.

I also plan to see Werner Herzog's Encounters at the End of the World and just ordered several of his films from Netflix (can't remember all of them) but I would highly recommend Fitzcarraldo one of the most remarkable films and also the Making of Fitzcarraldo which is also amazing.

SIFF runs through June 15 and Peter has circled a few more must sees. I plan to. SIFF tickets can be purchased on line at

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