Monday, May 26, 2008

Tito's in town, Folklife Festival, Grand Start to Summer

Strangely, I reversed the sequence of events -- scroll down to the bottom of this post and work your way up to make sense of it.

After Andy tried his hand at break dancing (he has the moves) we all rested on the lawn while listening to a blue grass band. Good day for all!

After the fountain we headed to the amphitheater to enjoy lunch as we listened to a great youth group play marimbas and the Raging Grannies with their really funny songs against the war, bailing out banks, and other current issues. I think I've found my calling -- where do I sign up.
Peter and Shawn even got a dance in with Andy and Sylvia.

Pete is in town and we've been having great family fun. Andy loves his Tito and enjoyed dragging him into the fountain at Seattle Center during the Folklife Festival. The day was warm, sunny, and beautiful. The crowd mellow. (We later heard that someone was shot in an altercation but we were long gone by then.) Andy got completely wet, Sylvia complained at the first drop of water that hit her arm. So we safely watched from a distance.

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