Thursday, May 1, 2008

A vacation with teeth in it

We didn't read the papers or listen to the news while we were on vacation, but just as we were leaving San Diego we saw that a Great White shark killed a man while swimming in the ocean just above San Diego. (As it turns out the shark is estimated to be 15- to 16-feet.) The day before we had spent sunning and swimming in La Jolla (just north of San Diego). While there we noted dozens of people swimming about a quarter mile off shore, rounding a buoy, and then back again. Some with wet suits (the water was a coldish 59-60 degrees F) but many without. One fellow we talked to (no wet suit) said that he is 89-years-old and swims everyday, year round. A routine he's had for decades. He told us a story about a woman from Toronto who followed him out of the water one day and continued to the dressing room. According to this Octogenarian, she approached him and said that she would do "anything" to live in San Diego (inferring anything with him). He told her he was too told but he had a younger friend who might be interested (the 85 year-old). He has probably told his story a hundred times and still chuckles at the thought. True or not, we don't know. But San Diego is beautiful and the weather is fantastic. Given the fact that it was beginning to snow as we departed Seattle, and we heard that it snowed something like 11 inches that day, we would be very tempted to move south if its wasn't for the tie that binds -- our grandchildren.

Photos and more on our trip - next post.

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