Sunday, September 21, 2008

Power vs. Leadership

Not so long ago I read that the fundamental difference between Republicans and Democrats is that the Republicans, like the rich corporations and wealthy that support them, are seeking power not leadership. If you run government like a business (which Republicans always tout) then you run it aggressively (swim with the sharks), ruthlessly, with winning the only goal, at great risk for the majority and the most benefit for the few. As for Democrats, (and I know I'm generalizing here) the party of diversity which includes all of the rest of the population, governing is about leadership. That McCain would laugh -- laugh! -- at Obama for his public service tells a lot about the differences between the parties. That the Republicans would choose a supremely unqualified candidate as VP is the height of cynicism. As syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts, Jr. wrote in today's Seattle Times wrote about Palin,
Does she [Sarah Palin] actually think living across the Bering Strait from Russia constitutes foreign policy expertise? Does she really take the parable of Adam and Eve as literal truth?
He goes on to say that his first question to Palin would be about the books she wants to ban (apparently, the list I earlier blogged about Pitts says is a fake, but she did fire the town's librarian because she wouldn't agree to remove controversial books from the shelves). Pitts concludes his editorial with this:
We are becoming the stupid giant of planet Earth: richer than Midas, mightier than Thor, dumber than rocks. Which makes us a danger to the planet--and to ourselves. This country cannot continue to prosper and to embrace stupidity. The two are fundamentally incompatible. So do us all a favor: Annoy Sarah Palin. For goodness' sake read.

'Nuff said.

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