Monday, September 15, 2008

Sylvia Turns 1 Years Old

Sylvia turned 1-years-old yesterday. Beautiful Seattle weather (in the 80s), a large crowd of supporters, and a sweet little girl made for a perfect day. Butterflies and sherbert colored decorations made for a festive atmosphere. Mom set the perfect party stage and baked and decorated the most colorful butterfly cake. Sylvia was a bit overwhelmed having slept through the beginning of the party to waken to her crowd of fans, but quickly got into the festivities.
Andy was a sweet brother and perfectly behaved throughout. Grandpa spent a lot of one-on-one time with Andy who likes to talk with him about all sorts of things, pretty much non-stop and Grandpa is all ears.
Couldn't resist the sweet moments with Karen, Sylvia's most wonderful Nanny who is a poet, artist, and exceptional woman.

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