Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Miscellaneous Happy Days of Spring and Summer 2011

Despite the fact that everyone is moaning about the weather, we've seemed to have the best luck -- it's always been sunny for outings with the Neus. Here are a few of our favorite days/outings.

Sylvia's favorite downtown activity -- the carousel. Can't believe there was a time not so long ago that I couldn't even get her on a horse.

These are Cherise's photos but so cute I had to post them.

The fish-shaped pond at Pier 66 is a big draw for the kids. Hard to pass by without getting in.

I've taken lots of pictures of this iconic sculpture at the Ballard Locks. Since we usually take this route when we cycle to Ballard, we pass them a lot but they never fail to intrigue.

What is it about this tree? The kids are always in it and they find it very entertaining.

We visited Andy's new school at the end of summer. They have a large Locke Ness Monster sculpture as the main whimsical feature of the playground. Andy's going to love this school. It's big and a bit imposing but also offers so much. He will be in the accelerated program brainiac that he is.

The aquarium. We've progress to the jelly fish. Usually the kids want to pose as an octopus.

Peter on the waterfront in front of a large, Russian, vintage replica of a square-rigger

Spice, Carrot, Blackberry, Coconut -- not food but names of the horses Sylvia and Andy rode at Remlinger end-of-summer run to Carnation. We got there early enough that the kids had multiple rides on the horses. Both are confident and competent on the horses. I didn't walk with them and they were pretty pleased.

Andy drives his sister.

Andy fearlessly did a back somersault onto the hay below.

Finally warm enough to swim in Lake Union. We took our boat out -- for the first time this summer -- to treat the family to a cool dip on a hot day. So fun.

That tree again.
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Love this photo. It was taken earlier in the year but I had to include it.

And a few more favorites. Above, kids writing us notes while we're in Hawaii.

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