Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Staying in the Boatman's House at Cama Beach

Tom and I have a few favorite places we return to each summer. One is Patos Island and the other is Cama Beach. Cama Beach is owned and run by the Washington State Park Department and consists of the sweetest little cabins on the beach that have been beautifully restored since it was a fishing resort almost 100 years ago. Cama Beach is on Camano Island which runs up Saratoga Passage across from Whidbey Island and to its east. It tends to have slightly better weather than Seattle though it's only an hour and one-half away and we've always been there when it's sunny and warm. Warm enough to go into the water. This year we took the grand kids and their mother to stay with us in the Boatman's House, a privilege extended only to members of the Center for Wooden Boats that manages it and the boat house next door, the livery, and a meeting/event facility on the grounds. It was comparative luxury because we had a large living room space, separate bedroom, a bathroom, and plenty of outdoor space. All right on the water. The kids brought their bicycles and both connected with school friends there (serendipity). At night we'd meet up with Andy's school chums and their families for marshmallow roasts. Days were spent picking blackberries, doing art projects (led by a park ranger), swinging, taking walks, biking, swimming, fishing, and hours in the country store. The country store takes special mention because it has free books, games, activities, puppet theater and puppets, as well as plenty of toys to buy, and every kind of candy and ice cream. It also has the kindest volunteers who indulge little ones with pennies in their pockets filled with the power of purchase. We really had a wonderful time here and are returning next year.
Tom's canoe

Andy does what every kid loves to do -- ride a log in the salt water

The new lodge on the hill

Original Cama Beach entrance. There's photos in the store that show model T's here.

Simple playground -- swings and a boat converted into a sand box. Plenty.

Tom takes Andy for a ride. He later takes Sylvia and she promptly falls asleep mid-sentence. She sleeps for an hour while Tom rows around.

Sylvia and Andy survey their shell collection which is growing by the day.

Cherise playing Yatzi

Nightly campfire with friends

Sylvia putting on a puppet show for the nice volunteer lady who is watching it intently

One night we played a spirited monopoly game. Big developer Cherise built hotels everywhere and bankrupted us all. Andy kept trying to loan his grandfather money.

Nothing like breakfast outdoors.

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