Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter With Andy and Sylvia

Easter on speed. That's what it felt like with a candy-loaded Andy hop, hop, hopping down the bunny trail -- or the small foot path of our condo as it were. Always her laid-back self, Sylvia took it all in with amusement or should I say bemusement (there's a difference isn't there?). The Easter bunny left a basket of candy at our house too, but a stern look from mom told me not, I repeat, not to let one morsel of chocolate enter her son's lips. So I ate the yellow Peeps and left the rest for Tom.

Here are a few pictures from Cherise's camera of our happy little Easter. (The sleep-deprived parents are taking the pictures and so are absent from the photos but I assure you not absent from the Easter celebration.)

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