Wednesday, March 5, 2008

End of an era

Tom (otherwise known as Pops or dad) has sold his building and is moving on. In the past week and one-half we (friends and family) have been helping organize, move, give-away, sell, and dispose of a lifetime of machinery, tools, office equipment, personal items and the like. It has been a bumpy ride but by the end of this week we will be turning the building over. It is sad that this old Ballard building that was built in 1924 will be demolished, making room for a huge apartment complex. Anyone who has been to Ballard lately will see that much has changed here and it is only a matter of time before industry is pushed out to meet the demands of close-in, affordable housing.

Tom now shares his office with me and Neu Ideas Group. I've been fielding calls for Neu Woodworks for the last two days and I can say that Tom receives a lot of calls in a day. I don't know how he's managed without administrative staff all of these years! Much of the calls and emails are for people wanting -- no begging -- for Neu Woodworks to work on their project or home. Some of these calls stem from this month's Metropolitan Home featuring Neu Woodworks' work ("The Life Aquatic" March 2008). In just the past week, I've come to appreciate the stellar reputation my husband has in the industry and his total dedication to quality in his craft.

Tom was featured yesterday in a post on the web about his closing his shop. (Link to that article on my next post.) I think people are nostalgic because the shop was such a gathering place. It seems that every time I stopped by during the day, there was someone working on their own project, guys chatting, etc. It seemed to me to be a modern version of the old West's saloon (alcoholic beverages accepted!).

Tom plans on completing current and upcoming projects, taking on special projects, and pursuing his own interests such as small wooden boats, furniture, and guitars to name a few. Just recently step son Pete Gaffney hooked Tom up with local guitar makers (leutiers) who visited the shop interested in salvaging some of the shop's wood pieces and picking up a machine and tools. Tom also just helped Hakim finish his Andalusian mandolino, using the books Pete on guitar making he gave him for Christmas. Thanks Pete.

Thanks to Kelly, too, who worked alongside her dad packing 25 containers of tools, clearing rubble, fielding calls from potential buyers of tools and machinery, selling the Laser, withstanding unbelievable amounts of wood dust, and lending her emotional support (during an emotional time for her father).

Thanks also to everyone who helped -- to Wade Cooper (Woodcuts), Dave Anderson (lending his shop for interim work), Hakim and Mike for the heavy lifting, Merve for staying on to finish a major installation (today) and Dave and Debbie Rutherford for their support and hard work. Did I leave anyone out?

Tom and I will be keeping our businesses, working alongside each other out of the same office (we'll see how that works out!). But we plan on doing some traveling in between. Our first trip is to the southwest - meeting friends in Las Vegas, then traveling to the Grand Canyon, and from there to San Diego where we will board a cruise ship to Victoria and returning to Seattle by Clipper (from there we just walk home). I hope this will be just the start of some interesting and fun adventure.

Signing off.

1 comment:

Ma.Luisa said...

Querida Denise:Sí que debe ser un poquito triste dejar un negocio que a Tom le ha dado tantas satisfacciones.Siempre le dije a Esther, y así ella lo ha reconocido, lo afortunada que es al ejercer un trabajo que le ilusiona tanto,pero aun así, es un trabajo que muchas veces requiere esfuesrzos y sacrifícios a pesar de no ser reconocido económicamente,por lo que le deseo que siempre mantenga la ilusión por ello,porque todavía es muy joven. TÚ (¿me permites que te tutee?, es para intentar acercarme a vuestros sentimientos;no sé si me explico)hablas con una cierta tristeza,y supongo que "in situ" será más acusada,del término de una etapa para vosotros que empieza desaciéndoos de cosas materiales,como el negocio de Tom,pero que a nivel emocional os ha llenado muchísimo. Yo también me he sentido triste al leer y creer entender tu "End of an era".Pero,me consta, a pesar de lo poco que os conozco,que esa nostalgia no va a durar mucho. Primero y principal,os tenéis el uno al otro amorosamente,como tengo el gusto de observar,unos hijos maravillosos para cuando los necesitéis y para todo lo demás junto a los nietos que tenéis la GRANDÍSIMA satisfacción de disfrutar de vez en cuando,del resto de la familia,¡no digamos!Planeáis viajar visitando lugares y amigos lejanos porque tenéis la suerte de disponer económicamente para hacerlo,PERO,y esto es más importante que el dinero, tenéis SALUD para poder acometer esas aventuras fuera de casa,y si no hubiera dinero o salud suficiente para ello,ni falta que os haría para encarar vuestra segunda era.Arriba de esta carta te he enumerado sólo unas cuantas cosas que por sí mismas hacen que la vida valga la pena vivirla.Con esa personalidad arrolladora que tienes para contagiar allá donde estés tu alegría de vivir y,como dice el cantante colombiano JUANES "LAVIDA ES UN RATICO",mientras podáis disfrutad de ella.Me despido pidiéndote disculpas por mi atreviviento al exponer mi punto de vista sin que se me pida,pero os quería mandar mis mejores desos para los tiempos venideros para vosotros y para TODA la familia.Recibid un abrazo desde España. Ma.Luisa.Esther´s mom.