Thursday, March 27, 2008

Great Spring Skiing, Bad Break

In tribute to our new freedom, Tom suggested on Monday morning that we skip out to Crystal Mountain to catch some of the last days of skiing before end of season and the lifts shut down. So leaving work concerns behind we headed to a beautiful few days of new powder snow and sunshine. The afternoon we arrived, we decided to cross country ski and Tom rented telemark skis so that he had the ability to actually make turns instead of shooting straight down hill on his old skis that have no edges. All went well until the very last turn to the Alpine Hut when he fell on a narrow, steep path that, though somewhat treacherous, leads right to the Inn's door. I opted to walk, but at the last moment as he was heading down the path he took a hard spill and really hurt his shoulder and back. Though his injuries were still tender, Tom managed to ski hard all day (we simply didn't want to quit the conditions were so perfect) and decided to take his telemark skis out for the last run of the day. He fell so hard that he had to take the chair down and is still pretty much bedridden and in pain as I write. I told him that it was his body's way of enforcing rest. After all of the heavy lifting required in moving stuff out of his shop, the back had just about enough. The skiing was its final blow.

We have no pictures from our trip but it was absolutely beautiful with new snow all the way down the mountain. The weather forecast is for snow every day this week. It is hard to believe that it is Spring in Washington! Let me say that people were in a very good mood on the mountain.

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