Sunday, March 30, 2008

Everything Old is New Again

Despite the inclement weather and threat of snow (or very cold rain), Cherise, Andy and I went to Woodinville for the 30th April Fools Parade. I'm happy to say that it hasn't changed that much and still has a wonderful small town feeling despite the fact that main street is now surrounded by development. We watched the parade, waxed nostalgic, caught the candy doled out, waved at the firemen in their impressive trucks, and sang the Falcon's school song with their marching band. It was a lot of fun. We also picked up a large quantity of Woodinville Weekly's featuring our 30-year-old picture of Cherise and Peter as clowns. After a lunch at Red Robin and some shopping at Hanna Anderson and Osh Kosh we headed home with a tired Andy asleep in the back seat. All and all, very worth going.

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